As the licensed distributor for American team-branded sportswear in Australia, NAR’s headquarters is a bold statement of their youth-culture focused brand.

The project encompasses a bright and team-friendly office and an atmospheric showroom connected through a shared vocabulary of colour and form. The use of bold colour blocking as a visual decoy and the use of familiar materials in an unconventional way surprise and delight.

A light-touch approach was employed within the existing heritage building fabric. The raw, hard-worn concrete flooring and exposed timber ceiling in the showroom and the impressive roof truss and original timber flooring in the office are retained and celebrated. New elements are treated as deliberate insertions that touch the building shell lightly. This juxtaposition also reflects the broad aesthetic of American sports brands, from the nostalgia-focused through to the high-tech world of performance gear.



Jessie Fowler, Tara Ward



Tom Ross

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